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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Your Lucky Day! Smell the Roses.

I have been feeling guilty for not writing for some time.

Its summer so, the computer is not my top priority. Isn't that a good excuse? Almost daily I check my friend's blog sites and hope for something new, so maybe you are one that checks my site from time to time and just hopes I will have added a new picture of two. Today is your lucky day!

A letter came in the mail today reminding me that school will be starting, for me in 2 1/2 weeks ! I have only 17 more days of summer vacation! What have I filled the other 54+ days with? Let me see . . .

Staying up late -( past 11:00PM),

Sleeping in -( at least until 8:00AM),

Swimming with the boys- (watching them more than swimming with them)

Scrap booking - (Getting caught up and going back to old albums and this week working on a heritage album. )

Reading books (this week I am reading a biography on David Livingston to Noah, Holes to Micah and Saucers to myself! Fun and Interesting.)

Watching Lots of the Home and Garden Channel (wishful thinking & idea forming)

Baking (cookies, Cinnamon rolls, Carmel popcorn & more cookies)

Praying (about our future - Niger, US, jobs, support, timing)

Movie Watching (free kids movies once a week, lots of freebies from the library, and the dollar theater.)

I know, it doesn't sound to thrilling, but it has been pretty restful with a stress filled day thrown in here and there.

It really has been great to just be home as a family. To rest, to do things we enjoy and not feel too stressed out about much of anything. I guess those are what they use to call the "lazy days of summer". Ahh, for more of those slow down and smell the roses kind of days. I think that I will miss them in a couple of weeks. Glad that I had them, to help me slow down and prepare for the year to come.

So what has your summer been filled with? Hope you had a day or two of rose smelling.

1 comment:

Beth said...

So glad you've had time to just rest and enjoy the summer, Shannon. This is the big move week for me so I'm very busy! :)